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Local Area Report


Transport data comes from Open Source datasets and is refreshed bi-weekly.


Schools data comes from official government datasets, such as Ofsted, Department for Education etc. and is refresh bi-weekly.

School Attendance

School attendance data comes from the National School Census and is updated annually. Children attending independent schools are excluded.


Map shows all Ofsted registered nurseires that operate on non-domestic premises; data is refresh bi-weekly.


Amenity data comes from Open Source datasets and is refreshed bi-weekly.

Broadband Availability and Speed

Broadband availabilty and speed data comes from Ofcom and is updated quarterly (coverage) and annually (speed).


Socio-economic data comes from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government; which is published every 4 years.

Socio-Economic Map

Socio-economic data comes from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government; which is published every 4 years.

Historical Sold Prices

Historical sold prices come from the HM Land Registry UK House Price Index and are updated monthly.

Historical Rental Prices

Historical rental prices come from the Valuation Office Agency and Office for National Statistics and are updated bi-annually.

Flood Risk

Map shows areas at risk of flooding; data comes from the Department for Food and Rural Affairs.

About Us

Housetica is an estate agent and property consultancy with strong values.

Over the last 30 years Housetica has grown from a single office in Sampletown to be one of the most successful estate agents in London and Kent, with a network of 10 offices.

We are all focused on providing a service to our customers that they value and will remember for whenever they may need us again in the future.

We love helping you find, sell and let wonderful homes, and we understand that moving house is a life-changing decision, so we are here to guide you every step of the way.